Under the able leadership of library director, Penny Pillsbury, the interior of this library has been arranged with the customer very much in mind. For example, just inside the main entrance library customers are offered shopping baskets.
Another detail worthy of note is the library's excellent use of signs: they are clear, well-placed and informative. The glass window at the entrance has been transformed beautifully into a space for advertising library events.
While we're on the subject of signs, there was also inspired use of local artistic talent. For example, the library's teens were put to work designing pictorial signs for the children's non-fiction area. Here's one of the many lovely signs which came out of that project.
This display of graphic novels might have been overlooked but for the eye-catching sign which invites customers to browse.
In most of the libraries I have visited, the children's department is housed at basement level. This is fairly typical as librarians attempt to find space in which children can express themselves more freely without having to worry about the quiet that some adult patrons might expect. At Brownell, it was decided to move the children's department to the main floor where it shares some space with adult services. Nevertheless, the design takes the divergent needs of adults and children into account.
One advantage of this system is that the two circulation desks are separate, but contiguous, allowing easy movement and communication among staff serving each population. In the photo at right we are facing the children's desk but looking at the corridor between the two service areas.
The adult non-fiction area was moved to the basement level, allowing for quieter study space. Because it is away from the main service area, a reference desk is staffed there to assist customers. Here's the attractive entrance to the stacks. The stairway would be on the left.
I'd like to take a moment to highlight some of the shelving. Like the Warren Public Library, the Brownell has made excellent use of local woodworkers to build fixtures perfectly suited to the library's needs. Here are some lovely display shelves.
South Burlington woodworker, Bob Bouvier built these CD shelves. In the unit on the left the lower drawers pull out smoothly for easy access to the materials.
Books on CD are are on these slanted shelves, making them easy to see. All of the shelving is on casters so that the central floor space can be cleared for events.
On the other hand, librarians can also be talented scavengers when it comes to finding fixtures which would be very expensive to purchase. These fine DVD shelves were obtained when a local video store closed its doors.
Seating is another area of strength in the Brownell's interior. This beautiful room in the original library section houses CDs, fiction, and new materials.
The original fireplace was fitted with a modern fireplace insert, making it once again the inviting reading area that the architect had once intended.
Below is yet another comfortale spot which in which readers may sit and browse.
A nice corner with good light in which to be read a story in the Children's Area.
While we're in the Children's Area, I wanted to point out that the picture books for the youngest children are in their own room on the main floor, while the area for older children adjoins the rest of the services on that floor. Here's another view of the room:
One of the newest additions to the library, added in 2001, is the Kolvoord Community Room. A bathroom, kitchenette, and coat closet are part of this facility which is accessible from the outside when the library is closed. Activities for children also take place in this bright space.
The young adult area is in a small, welcoming room on the main floor, close to the circulation desks. YA Librarian, Kat Redniss, has a number of plans for this room and I look forward to returning at some point in the future to see what changes she has in store. I enjoyed the teen art on the walls, including this poster:
From here, I just want to point out a number of other good ideas I noted during my tour of the Brownell. For example, the simple use of cork strips turned a brick wall into an exhibition space.
On the right you'll see a designated cell phone area, well-placed beside the elevator to keep phone conversations from being intrusive to others. Some libraries don't allow cell phones at all, but on this wintry afternoon it seems a more customer-friendly compromise rather than letting the cell phone users shiver outside!
At Brownell, new acquisitions are displayed on this lazy susan, custom-built for the library.
I liked the Large Print Area, with its good lighting and comfortable seating. And the Periodical Area featured hot beverages!
In addition to the library's regular books sales, the Friends of the Library host an "Eternal Book Sale" throughout the year, which offers more desirable titles at slightly higher prices.
Every part of this library was thoughtfully planned for the convenience of its customers. The rambling structure could have been confusing, but the clear signs made it easy to navigate. There was a willingness to "think outside the box" when it came to allocating space and the result is excellent. I want to thank all of the staff at the Brownell Library for their great work, and particularly Library Director, Penny Pillsbury, Youth Services Librarian, Mary Graf, and Young Adult Librarian, Kat Redniss, for taking the time to show me around a library that they have every reason to be proud of.
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